This link above provides you with a comprehensive look at your benefits and also includes great information such as:
- Quick Start guide to enrolling
- Eligibility
- Getting Started With SEBB My Account
- Medical Benefits Comparison
- Medical FSA and DCAP
- Smart Health Information
- Changing your coverage
- Who to contact for help
- And Much More
Log into SEBB MyAccount to enroll or see your benefits
Employee Assistance Program
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential resource and will provide short-term guidance, assessment, and referral at no cost to you. All District employees are eligible, with some exceptions. The EAP is able to help with a variety of issues both professional and personal - from dealing with stress at work to elder care and emotional well-being. Please feel free to contact the EAP online at First Choice Health (
type in the district's username "
" and click "login")
or by phone at 800-777-4114
Contact Information:
Employee Assistance Program
First Choice Health EAP
Phone: 800.777.4114