Fife Early Learning Center

fife early learning center logo

School Information

1304 17th Ave

Milton, WA  98354



Other District Information

District Office - 253.517.1000

Transportation - 253.517.1060

Child Nutrition - 253.517.1010

Discovery Primary - 253.517.1200

Fife Elementary - 253.517.1400

Office Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

The school office is open on school days during the times above. You may call the office after hours and leave a message for staff on the voicemail system. To report a late arrival, absence or early release, please call 253.517.1088

Student Hours


(gates open)

Gates close 

(*go to office to check in)


(gates open)

ECEAP School Day

8:30 a.m.


3:00 p.m.

Developmental Preschool AM Class

9:00 a.m.

9:10 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

Developmental Preschool PM Class

12:50 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

3:20 p.m.

Program Descriptions 2024-2025

Developmental Preschool 

Developmental preschool is a program to support eligible 3-5 year-old students diagnosed with a delay(s) in developmental skills. The primary goal is to work together with your family as we gain an understanding of your child's strengths and build upon those strengths to help your child develop and grow.

ECEAP  (Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program)

ECEAP is a comprehensive preschool program that provides FREE services and support to eligible three and four-year-old children and their families. The program works closely with parents to support their children’s health and education needs and to meet family goals. ECEAP also helps each family to access medical care, dental care, and social services. To be eligible for ECEAP, a child must meet certain age, income, and other requirements.

If you are interested in enrolling, please complete our interest form by clicking HERE.

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