School Closures and Schedule Changes
At any time during the school year weather conditions, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances could require schedule changes, delays, or school closure.
- Emergency messages and closures will be posted on our district website and via FlashAlert.
- We will also notify student families and staff through our phone messaging system. You will receive an automated call as soon as possible after a decision has been made, but never before 5 AM.
In the event that schools need to be closed early, the following procedures will be used to ensure that students arrive home safely.
Student Release Procedures :
For elementary students (Preschool - 5th grade):
1) An attempt will be made to contact the parent (or emergency contact person).
2) If contact is successful, the student will be released (either placed on the bus for delivery on normal bus route or released to walk home).
3) If a parent or emergency contact is not contacted, the student will be kept at school (safe and supervised) until a parent picks the student up at school. No second bus run will be made.
4) An automated callout will be sent to all families announcing the early release.
For secondary students (Grades 6 - 12):
Students will be released using normal procedures (though arrival times may be different due to the weather conditions). An automated callout will be sent to all families announcing the early release.
Types of Announcements and Their Meanings
**Announcements are for one day only**
No announcement means normal operations.
"School Closed"
- This means all schools will be closed for one day only. All meetings, field trips, and after school activities will be cancelled.
"Limited Bus Transportation"
- This means that buses will travel on emergency bus routes. (See routes listed below)
"School One Hour Late or Two Hours Late"
- This means that school will start either one hour or two hours late and that students will be dismissed at the regular time unless otherwise announced. Parents should listen to the radio/news for further announcements. Buses will operate one or two hours later than usually scheduled. There will be no preschool in the morning. Afternoon preschool will run on regular schedule (unless otherwise noted.).
"No Out-Of-District Transportation"
- This means there will be no transportation for special education, McKinney Vento, and/or foster students who travel to or from Fife School District to other districts.
Click here to view our Emergency/Snow Bus Routes
These are our scheduled Emergency/Snow Routes. However please keep in mind that variations in times and schedules may occur depending on the emergency and/or weather conditions. If you do not see your bus number listed above, they will be running on their regular routes.
If you have any questions please contact the Transportation Department at (253) 517-1060.